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AI for Teachers: How AI Tools Can Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

The rise of artificial intelligence has largely been met with trepidation in the world of education, where teachers fear that AI will replace students' thoughts and efforts. That's certainly a concern, but there are also plenty of ways that AI tools for elementary and secondary school teachers can help you to better engage students.

Benefits of AI for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers

Data-Driven Insights on Student Performance

Through machine learning and predictive analytics, tools that use AI for elementary and secondary school teachers can examine student performance on assignments and exams as well as classroom participation, then pull it all together to identify patterns and trends. Some of these tools can even grade papers for you and compile the results to show you where students are struggling.

Differentiated Instruction

Using AI in elementary and secondary schools can help you to meet every student's needs by adapting to their learning styles, preferences, and pace and providing customized content and resources to cater to their unique needs.

A Virtual TA to Help Students

Students who might feel intimidated about raising their hand in class or coming to you after class to ask for help can ask an AI chatbot for help and get answers to their questions about the material you're covering.

Time Savings for Teachers

Using generative AI in elementary and secondary schools can allow you to create lesson plans, exam questions, or text samples for students to analyze quickly and easily.

AI Prompts for Teachers

You can use AI prompts for elementary and secondary school teachers in lots of different ways. Here are a few sample prompts to get you started:

  • Write a lesson plan to teach [topic] to [grade level] that includes a hands-on activity.
  • Create ten discussion questions about [book] that promote critical thinking.
  • Suggest six strategies to help a [grade level] student who is struggling with [skill].
  • Write a persuasive essay about [topic] that [grade level] students can analyze.
  • Generate two paragraphs of text about [topic]. One should be written in a formal tone, and the other should be written in a lighthearted tone.
  • Check this text for cultural bias: [text].
  • Create a letter to parents of [grade level] students reminding them to send winter gear to school for their children.

AI Tools for Elementary and Secondary Teachers

Today's AI tools for elementary and secondary school teachers can help you achieve a variety of objectives:

  • Adaptive learning tools like DreamBox and Prodigy let elementary and middle-school students have fun playing games while they learn at their own level. Secondary teachers might like Querium, which provides personalized lessons for older students.
  • Gradescope makes grading papers faster and provides analytics to deepen your understanding of students' progress.
  • Conker and Yippity can whip up a quiz on just about any topic in seconds.
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