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AI Tools for SEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to revolutionize many industries and jobs, including SEO. With so many popular SEO tools adding AI and even Google rolling out its Bard AI, anyone who works in SEO should be familiar with how to use AI to their advantage. AI in SEO is the way of the future, so it's time to see what it can do.

The Benefits of AI Tools for SEO

Here are some of the most common ways to use AI for SEO:

  • Content Creation: AI-powered content creation tools can suggest topics, or you can feed the AI a draft of your content and ask for suggestions on how to improve it.
  • Keyword Research: AI-powered keyword research tools can help you identify high-potential keywords to help drive your search rankings. These tools analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends in user search behavior, allowing you to target the right keywords for your website.
  • On-Page Optimization: AI can be used to analyze your website and identify areas that need improvement. Some AI tools can analyze your website's speed and identify issues that could be causing slow loading times. AI tools for SEO can also help you optimize your title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and other on-page elements.
  • Voice Search Optimization: AI-powered voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have been popular for a while, and as AI advances, they aren't likely to go anywhere. Ask an AI utility to help you optimize your content for voice search.
  • Backlink Analysis: AI can be used to analyze your website's backlinks and identify patterns that could be hurting your search rankings. For example, AI can help you identify spammy backlinks that are negatively impacting your website's credibility.

AI Prompts for SEO

Don't overlook the power of a platform like ChatGPT to help you improve your SEO efforts. There are a lot of prompts that can help you get work done faster and more accurately. Try out these AI prompts for SEO:

  • Please act as an SEO analyst and give me a list of keywords related to [your industry].
  • Write me a few sentences on [your business name] and [valuable keyword phrase]. (Use what ChatGPT gives you as a starting point to build out keyword-rich content. Make sure to expand on what's given and inject your own unique voice into the content.)
  • Give me a list of keywords to target users who are searching for [a keyword focused on your specific products].
  • Make three title tags and meta descriptions for a homepage on [what your business does].
  • What are the most common questions people ask about [your service and products]? (Use this information to write an FAQ page.)
  • Provide a list of topics I can write about related to [your services or products] and suggest what type of content to create to share this information.
  • Please correct any typos or grammatical errors in this text: [paste your text here].
  • Write me a backlink outreach email that will connect my page on [link topic] to [target websites].
  • Generate schema markup for this content: [paste your content here].

AI Tools for SEO

ChatGPT isn't the only option for AI in SEO work. There are many AI tools for SEO that can fit niche needs.

  • Surfer: The Great Flow feature uses AI to recommend internal link ideas, content updates, and new keywords.
  • Frase: Create outlines, do research, and get suggestions on content optimization with the assistance of AI.
  • Jasper: This tool can help you create the bones of a piece of optimized content.
  • INK: The all-in-one style of INK gives it an edge; you can use it to make outlines, create keyword clusters, and perform other research.
  • Outranking: Outranking is an outlining machine. It can create new content suggestions by using the SERPs to gather data. From there, you can use the outline to create spot-on content for your audience.
  • Copy.AI: This tool specializes in short-form content like emails and ads. Its makers created this tool to fight writer's block.
  • SE Ranking: Create content briefs using this tool's AI-fueled competitor analysis features.
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